ways to help
Donations can also be accepted by mail. Please make checks payable to:
Manilatown Heritage Foundation at 868 Kearny Street, San Francisco, CA 94108.
The Manilatown Heritage Foundation is a 501(c) (3) Non-Profit organization.
Our Tax ID # is 94-3288180
The International Hotel Manilatown Center
is Your Community Center
It’s a gathering place where you, your friends, family, and colleagues can explore history, culture and current issues that are not widely discussed in the mainstream media or public institutions. It’s a place for engaging in inter-generational conversations. Our elders want to share their stories and teach positive cultural values about respect and community. Young adults want to learn from their elders. Our programs and events are the settings for these exchanges through talk-stories, poetry readings, spoken word, theater and music performances. Recent exhibits like – In a By-Gone Era, B*longing, Tattoo, Komiks, Dream, That Night, We Won’t Move – encourage dialogue, help develop your own opinions, or delve deeper into your personal journey. And we usually have food. Perhaps you were fortunate to attend an event when we had delicious Filipino food – adobo with hot rice, pancit, mungo beans, tinola (chicken soup) -or hot dogs, nachos, spaghetti, or homemade cookies and cakes.
Lock Arms in Solidarity – Our Resolve Remains Strong
Manilatown Heritage Foundation continues to work for the advancement of social and economic justice through our education, arts and cultural programs. Just like the human barricade that surrounded the I-Hotel on eviction night, August 4, 1977, we are calling everyone to Lock Arms in Solidarity to support our programs at the International Hotel Manilatown Center.
The International Hotel Manilatown Center was built with perseverance and resolve to have a living legacy of the I-Hotel anti-eviction struggle to preserve affordable housing for low-income seniors and the historic Manilatown neighborhood. When the new International Hotel was being constructed, people insisted on having a community center.
HUGE WARM THANK YOU to Charles Louis Smith for designing the vintage I-Hotel Tiger Logo and to the following Funders and Sustaining Kontributors:
Alegria, Andres
Alejo, Erina: Long the the I-Hotel from the SOMA Pilipinas youth
Alexander, Alysabeth: Long live the I-Hotel and preserving the history of resistance!
Alfonso, Jennifer: Manilatown Heritage Foundation keeps Filipino culture alive. It’s important work. Good luck MHF in reaching your goals!
Alliance for California Traditional Artists
Allen, Mark
Almendral,Desiree: Al was like family and always encouraged me
Alix, Sheilani
Ancheta, Shirley: America is in the heart of the I-Hotel
Anonuevo, Gayle
Anonymous: Keeping I-Hotel and Manilatown stories alive!
Anonymous: Keep up the Great Work!
Anonymous: Children are our future. We need to give them the opportunity to learn.
Anonymous: These stories are important and I want to see them heard as well as publicly recognized.
Anderson, Kathryn
Aquilizan, Joseph
Araullo, Vivian: In Honor of Emil
Avalos, Supervisor John
Baptista, Geno
Bagcal,Quint: Filipino American History needs to be told
Barahona, Ginny
Basa, Tiffany Jill: Long Live the I-Hotel!
Bautista, Helen Marte
Bautista, Teresita: I participated in defending the I-Hotel. I support art and culture for young and old to stay connected to their heritage and community history in the US and the homeland. In memory of my late friend and Kasama Roland who was also at the Fall of the I Hotel.
Bawer Young, Jenny
Benedicto, Conrad: Kulintang Music and the I-Hotel Rocks!
Bennett, Andrew: Because housing rights matter and this story needs to be retold!
Besle, Chris: I support those who defend their rights to housing and fight to preserve their culture through history.
Bhakta, Chirag
Biala, Arlene: Long Live the I-Hotel!
Biancalana, Jay: My Uncle, Bill Sorro and I printed this design back in the 70’s in my family garage! It makes me proud to continue to support the I-Hotel! I remember printing this image by hand.
Biancalana, Tony: The I Hotel is important to me, my family, my culture, my city! Long live the I Hotel.
Biblowitz, Iris: 2018 – I loved the wonderful poet, kick-ass activist, and fervent humanitarian that was Al Robles. Al Robles, Presente!, 2016 – To support the great work of Manilatown and in memory of esteemed poet, activist, friend, Al Robles, 2015 –Dedications: The I-Hotel has been an important part of the real affordable housing movement for many years. Thank you for more than 40 years of community solidarity, protests, and love. I was proud to be at the I-Hotel in 1977 and saw all the hard work, commitment, and love that went into fighting for real housing in San Francisco. We’re still fighting for the humanity of San Francisco. Thank you.
Bierman, Alice: Thanks for the great work out there!
Blackmer, Kathryn
Bonner, Mitchell: I have long supported International Hotel, going back to 1970
Brown, Christopher Bucoy: Let’s keep Manilatown’s legacy going and carry the spirit of resilience in this new era of community displacement. Remember the I-Hotel!
Buchholdt, Titania: Long Live the I-Hotel!
Buell, Vangie:2018:I want to support this project. It is important Filipino American History, 2015: Manilatown I-hotel is a major part of the history of the Filipino American community and the city of San Francisco.
Bumanglag, Leon: The I-Hotel is an important part of our history in the United States.
Burick, Kathe: Everybody needs to dance and sing!
Butensky, Gregg: Long Live Traditional Music! Long Live Kulintang!
Bueno, DiAnne
Cabading-Canlas, Caroline: In Honor of my Kearny Street Manong Grandfather Fred Ubungen
Cahambing, Mylene
Calderon, Caroline: Long live the I-Hotel!
Calica, Holly: I love Manilatown!
California Arts Council
Calonsag, Glorica
Calonsag, Luz
Camasura, Isabella
Canlas, Melissa: I Believe in the I-Hotel!
Cardenas, Mel
Cardona, Ray
Castro, Joshua: Learning about the I-Hotel as a college student was one of the most poignant experiences I had on my journey of becoming an activist. I’m glad that MHF continues its work to inspire people to know history and work for a better community.
Chen, Wei
Chew, Jonah
Chionsini Jr., James: The I Hotel is a symbol of resistance, persistence, and victory!
Choy, Carmencita: In Honor of my Sister Liz Monticlaro
Choy, Curtis: 2018:“You know. Right?” [cough], 2015: Because I like parking lots
Choy, Rudy
Coats, Theris: I believe in the goals
Cohen, Peter
Cojuangco, Chris: 2016: Because they’re sexy! 2015: Showing some support for the International Hotel, the I-Hotel Manilatown Center’s Kommunity Kulintang program and also Manilatown Heritage Foundation. Because they’re dope!
Coliver, Susie: The I-Hotel played a big role in my life, both as a teen-ager and a professional. Hoping the next generation will have a chance to learn the story from Curtis.
Connor, Joshua
Cooley, Keith: Glad to support – you do good work.
Creative Work Fund
Cresini, Tess
Cruz, Kristopher
Cusic, Catherine: I was a medic at the I-Hotel. Was sent to the hospital by a cop’s baton myself
Custodio, Jul
Datangel, Eduardo: To remember one of our many Filipino enclave in the historical San Francisco!
Datuin, Gemma
Dea, David: Was at the I-Hotel
De Borja, Thea: Anything to support my community!
DeGuzman, Emil
DeGuzman, Maggie
DeGuzman, Ulysses
De Jesus, Melinda L.: To support MHF’s important work, and for my kids, so they can know their roots.
De Ocera, Wilson Kyle: Mabuhay ang I-Hotel!
Delacruz, Prosy
Delos Reyes, Jennifer: We must not forget our struggles.
Dietz, Lorna
Dodds, Jocelyn
Dong, Harvey: Great design! Long live Al, MHF and Warriors!!
Downing, Cindy
Dulalas, Daynelita: I-Hotel has been a very important history in the community of San Francisco I am more than happy to support.
Duldulao, Pio: We move faster into the 21st century, progress, modernization, gentrification is inevitable. Big cities like SF & its people will change, transform itself, yet, we, as a people of many, must never forget OUR stories of history, struggle, activism.
Duque-Yangson, Rissa
Duran, Sharman
Ebato, Taiyo
Ebora, Rachel: Dahil ako’y Pilipino’t maliit na handog lamang Ito sa pakikibaka, lakas at karangalang idinulot ng mga manang at manong ng i-Hotel. Salamat po!
Eco, Victor: 2018 –A long time ago Al walked up to me as I was sitting in a room at SF State waiting to hear him speak and he says to me, “Hey brother! What tribe are you from?” We spoke about where I was from, linked arms and I felt like I was forever connected to Al. 2015: I’ve learn many things from the I-Hotel. How to persevere, stand firm, be fearless. But i’ve also learned to love genuinely and accept people as they are from meeting Uncle Al Robles. These are all reasons why I support this campaign.
Fiel, Cristal
Flechero, Anna Maria
Fong, Cary: Celebrate the 40th!
Fong, Reverend Norman: Always support the cause & remember our roots: “Long Live the struggle!”
Fontanos, Rowena
Ford, Conny: This is a very exciting adventure. Supporting Manilatown – and the history of the I-Hotel is important. Will be proud to wear the sweatshirt!
Fujimoto, Chris & Jane Theresa Ma
Fugikawa, Laura: I support the I hotel and its cont. and historical importance to our communities!
Gatmaitan, Mary Claire
Gavino, Julianne
Gonzalves, Theodore
Goya, Grace
Habal, Estella
Harris, Christine: In Honor of Nancy Hom
Herbert, Kristine
Hom, Ben: In Honor of Nancy Hom
Hom, Nancy
Howard, Emily: I was at the protests back in the day. It was a crushing blow when the police finally got in and kicked everyone out.
Hestor, Sue: It is important to remember San Francisco’s history
Huebner, Richard
Ichban, Joshua: For History
Ignacio, Abraham: Mabuhay, Manilatown Center!
Ilumin, David G: Support affordable housing. Stop greed initiated evictions.
Imperial, Theresa: Because it’s been a part of my life.
International Hotel Resident Services
Ishizuka, Karen: To honor all those who resurrected the I-Hotel
Isulat, Cornelia
Jamero, Peter & Teresa
Jams Irvine Foundation
Kaufman, Jacob
Kelly, Rudy: I support the movement to honor the memory of the International Hotel. I also support the mission of the Manilatown Heritage Foundation.
Kharrazi, Lily: I support the expression of traditional arts for a diverse and tolerant world. You guys are great examples of vibrant and dedicated leaders.
Kiang, Peter
Kimzey, Colin: The I-Hotel is as important today as it was in 68. Love live the I-Hotel!
Kintabar, Lolita: Al was a volunteer at the Senior Center where I used to work. He helped and inspired many seniors at the Center.
Kochanowicz, Charles & Cynthia Wong
Kodama, Lori
Ko, Tammy: Because your work has impacted generations everywhere
Kubo, Keiko: The I Hotel was an important event/struggle in my political development. Also spending time with the tenants humanized my work. Domingo said -Keep on Fighting
Kwan, Vincent: Continue to do amazing work that benefits so many people in San Francisco!
Labra, Keana: I am the co-editor of the newly launched Chopsticks Alley Pinoy page. We strive for diversity and inclusivity and the promotion of our Filipino heritage.
Lan, Lawrence
Lazam, Jeanette Gandionco: Because I used to live there before the Eviction
Lee, Corky
Lee, Pam Tau: Long Live the I-Hotel!
Lee, Sandra
Levak, Julie
Lew, Matthew
Lindo, Edwin
Lowe, Stephanie: In memory of Al Robles, Bill Sorro, and Pete Yamamoto
Lott, Juanita Tamayo
Luis, E
Luluquisen, Evelyn
Lunt, Stephen
Mabutas, Janelle
Makabenta, Dino: Pilipinos in this country should never forget our history, both ancient & modern. It is all 2 easy to do so, especially nowadays. Al Robles, amongst many others, made significant impact, selflessly, for all of us. They should always b in our hearts.
Manalo, Juslyn
Mander, Jerry
Mar, Eric: Manilatown is in the heart. Keep the fire and the spirit of the I-Hotel burning for future generations! Thank you Tony Robles and Manilatown Heritage Foundation!
Mar, Gordon
Mariotti, Chelsea Calica: Donating in support of MHF Programming
Marquez, Fernando: I-Hotel Presente!
Marquez, Robert R.: Because our Stories are Important. The cultural fabric of this City was been hard won and reaffirmed through the years. once again, we are threatened with being erased.
Marzan, Dennis: For my great-grandfather Miguel Marzan, who made San Francisco his home.
Mayberry, Florence: Al Robles was a poet, mentor to my son, and brother-in-law whom I deeply respected. He was a mentor to so many who have gone on to be poets in their own right–one of those is my son, Tony Robles. Long Live the I Hotel.
Mayberry, JC: We affirm the work of our family.
Melnick, Lisa Sugitan: Oscar is a cherished and deeply respected mentor of mine. I became a teacher. I became a writer. I was a member of the second Al Robles Express travel in 2012. It altered my entire presence here.
Milanese, Giuliana: Lots of Love from the Sorro-Milanese Family
Millard, David
Mitchell, James
Mizuhara, Kim: In Honor of Nancy Hom‘s birthday
Monteclaro, Steve: I have been following this campaign for many years now. Since the early 70’s.
Montes, Maria: Because . . . community!
Mungal, Indra
Nagai, Nelson & Beverly
Navarro, Ofelia: This is dedicated to Caroline Cabading who has worked tirelessly for this cause. She is dedicated and loyal. To you my friend! Thank you for making me a part of your community…love always.
Navarro, Theresa
Ng, Joy
Nietes, Bobby
Nishi, Nobuo: The I Hotel Struggle was an inspiration to me in the seventies. May the spirit of the I Hotel continue to inspire.
Nobela, Angielee
Obenzinger, Hilton
Olsen, Beverly
Osumi, Tony: 2018 -Years ago as an UCLA Asian American Studies Center MA student, I was moved by the I-Hotel Struggle and stories about it from Glenn Omatsu. Later, I got to know Bill Sorro and Al Robles when they came annually to the Manzanar Pilgrimage, 2015 –I learned about the I-Hotel in Asian American Studies classes and from activists who shared. It’s message of the power of the people has been an inspiration as Los Angeles’ Little Tokyo resists corporate and city “redevelopment.”
Pabros, Norman
Pabros-Clark, Marcella
Pallas, Consuelo
Palma, Floranne: It is my honor to support MHF. Long Live the I-Hotel!
Pang, Diana
Parayno, Beverly
Park, Terry: Long Live the I-Hotel!
Parent, Theresa
Perez, Sheena
Peskin, Aaron
Poblador, Bel
Poethig, Joanna: Long Live the I-Hotel and its valuable contributions, cultural, social and political to history, to San Francisco, the Bay Area and beyond!
Policarpio, PJ Gubatina
Preston, Dean
Rabago, John
Rainbow Grocery
Ramos, Jacqueline
Ramos, Sofia: As a Filipina-American, I grew up not knowing much about my heritage or about the Filipino-American struggle. I want to support creative programs within the establishment for the sake of other FilAm who seek expression within their culture.
Rausa, Jillian
Redmond, Timothy
Rossi, David: Supporting and honoring our elders
Recio, Roy
Reyes-Chow, Bruce: Great design, great cause, great life!
Rivera, Roberto: Ya sabes
Robert Marq Robert
Robles, Jade
Robles, Sean: Remember Uncles Al Robles, Bill Sorro, Leo Valledor and all of those who made the heavy lift possible with gratitude and happy memories for generations to come. Long Live The I-Hotel!!!
Robles, Tony: 2018: Dedicated to the Robles Tribe from Frisco to Honolulu to Seattle / In honor of the memory of Peter Kenichi Yamamoto, Steve Arevalo and Pacfific “Cif” Mortel / In memory of Dawn Mabalon / The Road to Ifugao Mountain goes through Manilatown. 2016 #2: We can’t afford to forget the legacy of the I-Hotel. It was a struggle for working people and elders to live in dignity. It brought all parts of the community together in a fight for justice. 2016 #1: Buying the shirts in honor of the FRISCO FIVE, who share the spirit and Fire of Manilatown. 2015: In Honor of my Cousin Utopia Hammond. Long Live the I-Hotel!
Robles, Utopia: I am the niece of Al Robles & Bill Sorro and cousin of Anthony Robles
Rosa, Francesa: Manilatown Heritage Foundation represents an important and vital part of San Francisco history, past and present
Rosen, Dave: A Good Cause!
Rossi, David: Supporting and Honoring our Elders
Rubin, Peter
Ruiz, Dyan: Long Live the I-Hotel!
Sabac, Aldrich: I wouldn’t be here today if my mentors weren’t mentored by Manong Al Robles.
Sabatchi, Romyn: All people deserve access to education and personal well-being.
Salaver, Luna: My dad co-owned a restaurant in the I-Hotel back in the 1940’s. I’m donating to honor the manongs who came before us.
Salaverry, David Carlos: Tony Robles and Manilatown rock!
Sanchez, Mark
San Francisco Arts Commission
San Francisco State University Students
Santos, Maria
Sarmiento, Juliette
Sayson, Angelique
Schulman, Dan
Schwaller, Katja
Sherburn-Zimmer, Sarah
Shizue Seigel, Carol
Sideco, Carolyn
Smallwood, Candy
Smoot, Karyn
Smith, Harvey: I-Hotel eviction night defender. Supporter of community-based, low-income housing.
Solomon, Barry: Anytime you talk story, you are talkin brother. For Al, for Manong story, for IHotel.
Sondik, Sheila
SooHoo, Mike
Soriano, Rosana
Sorro, Desu: In Honor of my Dad Bill Sorro, Uncle Robert Sorro and Uncle Al Robles
Stevens, Gary: I demonstrated in support of the International Hotel the first time around.
Sullivan, Vida
Sumaraga, Lakas: Long live the I-Hotel and its stories! I’m getting the shirts for my Grandparents, Florence and Pete Mayberry
Summers, Patrick
Sung, Kenzo
Sun, Leon
Sy, Bernadette: Dedicated to my personal heroes and constant inspirations
Syquia, Consuelo
Syquia, Luis Malay
Szeto, Andrew
Tagaro, Augustus: “Fall of the I-Hotel” was one of the documentaries that changed my life
Tagle, Thea: Long Live the I-Hotel!
Takayama, Robynn
Talaugon, Margie: Long time supporter! And a voice for our MANONGS… Long live the I HOTEL!!!
Taylor, Eduardo: Long Live the I-Hotel!
Taylor, Sabrena: For their good work and for the honor of Al Robles
Then, Sally: My family has roots in San Francisco, going back generations. The Manilatown Heritage Foundation is crucial to preserving what is left of the *real* San Francisco.
Thomas, Roselyn
Tintiangco-Cubales, Mahalaya: I love the I-Hotel
Toledo, Philip: In Memory of Rodolfo Toledo
Tomiampos, Zenon
Tracy, James: Long live the I-Hotel, and the spirits of Bill Sorro & Al Robles.
Tray, Ken: Historic fights defending community, housing rights and social justice and those continuing the work need to be honored and supported.
Trayonor, Betty: For a fantastic poet of the people. And a beautiful T-shirt too.
Tu, Dawn
Tully, Sheila
Udo-O’Malley, Annabelle: To keep our stories alive and to preserve the legacies of those before us.
Uyematsu, Amy: I-Hotel and its programs are important for all the people of San Francisco.
Vallarta, Maria
Vera Cruz, Mel
Vermaas, Jake: Keep the memory alive!
Visaya, Emily
Vivar, Genevieve: Because I believe that no Filipinos should neglect the legacy of those who fought hard for the retention of this symbolic structure. It is a symbol of who the Filipinos really are. If we prevailed then, we will too now.
Vivar, Sylvia: In Honor of Bill Sorro and Al Robles
Von Torres, Maynard
Waid, Athena
Walden, Miriam: The I Hotel story is an important part of our community history. As a social studies teacher, I rely on the Manilatown Heritage Foundation’s work to help educate the next generation of community leaders.
Wald, Mark
Washington, Roland
Whitten, James: ONE MAN ONE VAN
Wofford, Jenifer: The I Hotel legacy is extraordinary!!
Yamashita, Karen: Long live the I-Hotel!
Yamamoto, Peter: Logn live the I-Hotel!
Yangson, Mitchell
Yanik, Melodi
Yngojo, Rafael & Virgina
Yoshitomi, Gerald: Great people working on this!
Yuchengco, Mona Lisa
Yukiya, Jerry Waki
Zanora, Arlene Calica
Zapanta, Verma: Learning about the I-Hotel in high school sparked the beginning of my political consciousness and my path to becoming an educator. LONG LIVE THE I-HOTEL!
Zialcita, Carlos:2018: To honor the carabao, the Ifugao Mountain and the spirit of Al Robles. 2016: Long Live the International Hotel! Go Warriors!
2015: To honor the history and legacy of Manilatown and the International Hotel. To honor the memory of Ness Aquino, who owned and managed the Mabuhay Restaurant on Kearny Street and the Mabuhay Gardens on Broadway. Long live the International Hotel and the Manilatown Center!
Zosa, Teresita